Thursday, December 27, 2012

12/27/2012 - Making Sense of It All - Luke 2:41-52

12/27/2012 - Making Sense of It All - Luke 2:41-52

My Thoughts: It seems odd to me that Joseph and Mary did not account for Jesus’ whereabouts before leaving Jerusalem to return to Nazareth after the Passover Festival. I believe it is relative to the story of Jesus because Luke included this fact. I have heard different explanations for this but still it causes me to ponder. From all accounts, Joseph and Mary had 7 children including Jesus. I had a Catholic family across the street with 7 girls! Their house was always hectic but fun to spend time at and a good influence in my life. There is the possibility Jesus was with some of His relatives or family friends. Growing up, my family would take Summer vacations with another family or two. During the vacation, it was not uncommon for me to stay with another family for a couple of days. Later, I understood why the parents would take turns watching all of us kids. I could conceive the fact that Jesus was thought to be with a relative family and both sets of parents assumed he was with the other. This type of sharing of families is rare in our American, modern culture. Less and less do you see cohesive, extended family care. 

This lack of care and nurture by extended family is a detriment to our society. More and more, a family is isolated and alone in caring for their children. Single parenthood is at an all time high. Neighborhoods have become unsafe because no one extends the watch and protection of our children beyond the walls of our own homes. Therefore, child predators move into neighborhoods full of children and wait to pounce. Generation to generation we perpetuate this lack of sharing and teamwork among families and our children grow up more and more isolated, insecure, socially inept, and independent of others. The recent mass shooting of innocent adults and children is a testament to this fact.

The solution to this societal catastrophe can be found in the community of faith, our local churches. I believe more and more, young parents are looking for ways to counter this trend of family isolation. Many, because of job related transfers, have moved from their childhood cities, leaving relatives far away only to find they are alone and separated from the benefit of extended family care and influence. Is it any wonder we have children left alone during the day and parents completely overwhelmed with raising a family? This is where the community of faith could step in and share the load with each other. As members of the Body of Christ, it is a great commandment we have to love our neighbors and share the load with them. To allow the parents to have one or more days to be alone with each other and share the care of their children. To help single parents go to work knowing while they are at work, someone is there to watch over their children, whom they can trust. To have a community where their children can play and grow up in safety. Jesus died on the cross to tear down the divisive walls among us and build His church. Are we to let His sacrifice go in vain? This is a crucial time in our society for the family and one where the church is designed and meant to step in and help meet this extreme need.

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