Monday, November 7, 2011

Jesus, LORD of Time and Space

John 4:46-54

John makes a point to remind us that Cana is the area of Jesus' first miracle, the turning of water into wine. Thus, connecting us with this next miracle, the healing of the official's son in nearby Capernaum. I believe John was a scientist at heart as he once again connects us with the fact that Jesus is LORD of both time and space (John 1:1-5). He turned the water into wine in a moment and healed a son miles away. He gives life in a instant and gives light around the world. Knowing that Jesus' power is limitless comforts me as I too, like this official, face things that are totally beyond my control.
I really get jazzed about scientific stuff. My favorite shows are shows like Nova and National Geographic. Curiosity is a gift from God and even as we get older, we should never loose that wonder and awe of God as we see the magnificent in creation. We should also apply that same gift of curiosity, wonder, and awe as we approach the Word of God. Each paragraph is packed with things to discover about us, our world, and our great God. Just as I get excited about the next episode of Nova, I should also get excited about each morning I get up and turn on His Word.

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