Thursday, September 8, 2011

Luke 8:44 - 2nd Installment, The Zitzit

Okay. Did you look up Jewish Prayer Shawl? If you did, you would of discovered that the fringe was on the ends of the shawl and on an average size Jewish male, this shawl would of extended between 35 and 40 inches from the shoulders on either side. Now, on the four lower corners of the shawl was a tassel, called the “Zitzit,” which extended another foot, approximately. So, this tassel would of been slightly below the knee. Now, what position would this woman have to be in to touch this tassel? Because, no doubt, this was the focus of her quest for healing. When you factor in all of the forensics, this woman would of had to be crawling up from behind. Now, why am I so certain that her focus was on a certain tassel and why am I so certain it was a prayer shawl? First, every rabbi wore one and Jesus did not break tradition, but fulfilled it. Secondly, this tassel represented a fulfillment of a prophecy about the Messiah. This is such good stuff! To every Jewish person, this tassel, the Zitzit, represented not only all of God’s commands, but also the Shema Yesrael, “Hear O Israel, the LORD is our God, the LORD is one.” (Duet. 6:4). We now know the object of this woman’s quest and we know what position she was in.  So, how is this a fulfillment of prophecy about the messiah? Here is your research for the next installment. What Messianic prophecy is being fulfilled in this action by this woman? Hints: This prophecy is towards the end of the Old Testament. And, when extended out, what did this shawl look like?
Next Installment: Monday, 9/12 at 6:00 a.m. CST.

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