Thursday, September 15, 2011

Luke 8:44 - 4th Installment, You Faith Has Made You Whole

Here’s the scene: This unclean woman was now hiding in the crowd surrounding Jesus. The crowd had obviously backed away from Jesus because He was looking for the person who touched Him. The woman, seeing that Jesus was determined to find her, threw herself down trembling at Jesus’ feet. I can hear the gasps of the crowd as some would of recognized her as someone who was unclean. Afraid of being punished for her crime, the woman immediately begins to explain her actions and declare that she is healed. Now the text does not reveal what her explanation was, however, it was sufficient for Jesus to declare that her faith had saved her. Some translations say healed, but most say “made whole” or “saved.” Declaring her now clean, Jesus says to her, “Go in peace.” As Jesus is declaring this, a person coming from Jairus’ home is telling Jairus his daughter has died. Twelve years earlier, this woman is declared unclean and loses her life the same year Jairus’ daughter is born. Twelve years later, as Jesus’ gives this woman’s life back to her, Jairus’ friend is declaring to him his daughter has died.  Was this a coincidence? Or, was God at work revealing to the world for generations to come that Jesus is His Son and Jesus is the Messiah? That salvation is not just about redemption, but also about restoration. The text does not reveal what was on the mind of Jairus, but if I was to guess, it was frustration and despair. Have you ever had to rush a son or daughter to the hospital knowing every second counted and you have to stop for a red light? Think of the despair that overwhelmed Jairus, when he realized it was too late. Jesus, hearing the news, turns to Jairus and says, “Don’t despair, just have faith” and then proceeds to his home and raises his daugher from the dead. Wow! Right here we have a powerful object lesson that was twelve years in the making! Don’t despair, just have faith.
    Have you discovered what Messianic Prophecy is being fulfilled here? Final hint for our next and last installment on this passage: When I was a boy, I would drape a towel over my shoulders to make imaginary wings for myself. Google these three words: healing wings scripture.
Next Installment: Monday, 9/19/2011 at 6:30 a.m. CST

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