Wednesday, September 26, 2012

40 Days in the Word - Day 8: Mark 1:40-45

Verse 41:
Moved with compassion,* Jesus reached out and touched him. "I am willing,"he said. "Be healed!"

My Thoughts: There was no treatment for leprosy in biblical times and it was forbidden for a person to touch a leper, who was considered unclean. It was also thought at the time that this disease could be transmitted by touch. In those times, individuals infected with this disease were total outcasts. This environmental disease takes hold in those who have a compromised immune system and affects surface nerves so that an individual would lose total feelings in their extremities which lead to injuries and secondary infections. It causes skin sores, putrid odor, and deformities. Because there was no cure at the time, this disease would progress rapidly and eventually lead to premature death.

In this passage, Jesus was moved with compassion, touched this leper, and healed him completely. As I reflect on this passage, I see myself as a leper whom God is completely healing. Before Jesus touched me with compassion, I was a wounded individual who had become immune to my sinful condition, which had become putrid. My heart and life were deformed from years of hurts, self inflicted wounds, and sin. I will never forget the day Jesus touched my life and spoke to me, “Be healed!”

Application: Every area of my life. These passages affect my heart, soul, and mind.

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