Friday, September 28, 2012

40 Days in the Word - Day 10: Mark 3:1-6

Verse 3:
Jesus said to the man with the deformed hand, "Come and stand in front of everyone."

My Thoughts: In the previous chapter, Jesus clarifies that the Sabbath is for man’s benefit (Mark 2:27). In the beginning of chapter 3, Jesus emphasized this point by bringing a man with a deformed hand right to the front of His classroom and in front of everyone, Jesus heals him. The Pharisees watching are enraged and immediately leave in order to plot how they were going to kill Jesus. The Pharisees had sucked the life out of the true meaning of the Sabbath with all their rules and requirements. The Sabbath was always intended to be a time of rest not a time to worry about making sure you did not break any rules for fear of reprisal. Jesus demonstrated for everyone to see the Sabbath was a miraculous time of restoration and healing. For many in our modern culture, the Sabbath is a day when you can’t buy certain things. For others, it is just another day, even to work. For a few, it is a time to break from the norm and spend a special time away from it all and allow Jesus to restore and heal our broken and deformed lives.

Application: Life and Business. These passages impact my heart, soul, mind, and body.

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