Tuesday, September 25, 2012

40 Days in the Word - Day 7: Philippians 4:14-20

Verse 19:
And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

My Thoughts: I am a little perplexed by this passage. I read it and then look at my current struggles financially. And, not just me but many Christians have been without a job for months and are losing their homes in this current economy. Then I think about the condition Paul was in when he penned this statement. He was not only in prison, but in chains. Now I understand that he was under house arrest, but still, I live in much better circumstances. This forces me to reexamine my fortune and count my blessings. When I do this, I realize that God truly does meet all my needs. Maybe not all my wants, but He does meet my needs. Also, I know I could do a better job at budgeting my money and work a little smarter in order to improve my financial condition.

Application: Finances and Business. This verse impacts my mind and body.

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