Thursday, September 20, 2012

40 Days in the Word - Day 2: Philippians 1:27a

Above all, you must live as citizens of heaven, conducting yourselves in a manner worthy of the Good News about Christ.

My Thoughts: I love this translation. It is the New Living Translation. It includes the full weight of the word “worthy” in the Greek, which is defined as living a life as a citizen of a certain country. When I have traveled outside the United States, it is obvious to the people of that country I am an American (sometimes painfully :-)). They know it by my accent, dress, and conduct. It always makes me realize that how I act and what I say reflects on the United States. As I read this passage, it reminded me that I am a citizen of heaven and caused me to stop and ask myself, “Do I live so that people around me know this?” Also, do I reflect good or bad on the reputation of the kingdom of heaven? When I have been in a foreign place, I will hear a perfect stranger say the word “American” as they look my way. When is the last time I heard someone say to me in a positive way, “You must be a Christian.”

Application: It impacts my Life (walking my talk) and my heart.

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