Wednesday, November 21, 2012

11/21/2012 - Matthew 14

There is something inside of us that desires a miraculous life: To be great, do good, and leave our mark. Why is this? I believe it is hard wired in us from the moment we are conceived. God has a great plan for each of us. A plan to have a positive and good effect wherever we live and wherever we go. God is great and good. He has created us to reflect his greatness and goodness (Genesis 1:28). Yet, we follow in the footsteps of Adam and Eve and listen to the lure of our own greatness (Genesis 3:4-5). Instead of reflecting God’s goodness, we reflect our own self serving image bringing harm not good. What if we only reflected God’s goodness totally trusting in Him and only doing what He says is good and staying away from what He says is evil? What would be the result? Matthew 14:32

Application: Every area of my life. These verses impact my heart, soul, and mind.

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