Saturday, November 17, 2012

Matthew 11:28 - Stressed Out?

Who can’t relate to being stressed out these days? Our email box is full, our phone keeps us constantly connected and alerted to incoming stimuli, our income is covering less and less, our desks are piled high with stuff to do, we have so many projects only partially completed and more being assigned to us everyday. We rush here and there trying to cram it all in and by the time the day is over, we are left with a ton of stuff to push over to the already crowded tomorrow. Partial Attention Syndrome (PAS) is ruining our lives and causing many stress related diseases. What comforting words from Jesus in this reality we live in day after day, “Come to me all who are weary and heavy burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) 

When is the last time you turned off your phone, shut down your computer, turned off the news, and surrendered yourself to the care of Jesus? Sin in our lives is very stressful and harmful and yet, we commit a major sin each and every week. Exodus 20:8, “Remember to observe the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy.”

Application: Every area of my life. This affects my heart, mind, and strength

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