Monday, September 12, 2011

Luke 8:44 - 3rd Installment, Who Touched Me?

We left off in the last installment where Jesus asks the question, “Who touched me?” This was a very specific question. Jesus said, “Who touched me?” not “Who bumped into me?” The text reports everyone denied it and Peter thinking he meant, “Who bumped into me” said, “Rabbi, this pressing crowd has been bumping into you?!” So, Jesus clarifies that he knows someone deliberately touched Him because He felt God’s healing power flowing out from Him. In the meantime, the woman who touched the zitzit of His prayer shawl, had stood back up, and was trying to hide herself among the crowd. When she realized Jesus was determined to find her, she fearfully threw herself back to the ground right in front of Him. Now, three new questions for next time: How was she able to throw herself to the ground in front of him when the crowd had been so pressing? What was she afraid of? And, what do you think was going on in the mind of Jairus? If you have not been able to answer the questions from the last installment, here are two more hints. Remember as a child when you would take a sheet or towel and drape it over your shoulders holding the corners, extending your arms out, and then jumping off things. What were you making out of the sheet or towel? Also, this prophet was not in the majors.
Next Installment: Thursday, 9/15 at 6:30 a.m. CST

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