Wednesday, November 21, 2012

11/21/2012 - Matthew 14

There is something inside of us that desires a miraculous life: To be great, do good, and leave our mark. Why is this? I believe it is hard wired in us from the moment we are conceived. God has a great plan for each of us. A plan to have a positive and good effect wherever we live and wherever we go. God is great and good. He has created us to reflect his greatness and goodness (Genesis 1:28). Yet, we follow in the footsteps of Adam and Eve and listen to the lure of our own greatness (Genesis 3:4-5). Instead of reflecting God’s goodness, we reflect our own self serving image bringing harm not good. What if we only reflected God’s goodness totally trusting in Him and only doing what He says is good and staying away from what He says is evil? What would be the result? Matthew 14:32

Application: Every area of my life. These verses impact my heart, soul, and mind.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Matthew 11:28 - Stressed Out?

Who can’t relate to being stressed out these days? Our email box is full, our phone keeps us constantly connected and alerted to incoming stimuli, our income is covering less and less, our desks are piled high with stuff to do, we have so many projects only partially completed and more being assigned to us everyday. We rush here and there trying to cram it all in and by the time the day is over, we are left with a ton of stuff to push over to the already crowded tomorrow. Partial Attention Syndrome (PAS) is ruining our lives and causing many stress related diseases. What comforting words from Jesus in this reality we live in day after day, “Come to me all who are weary and heavy burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) 

When is the last time you turned off your phone, shut down your computer, turned off the news, and surrendered yourself to the care of Jesus? Sin in our lives is very stressful and harmful and yet, we commit a major sin each and every week. Exodus 20:8, “Remember to observe the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy.”

Application: Every area of my life. This affects my heart, mind, and strength

Monday, November 5, 2012

11/5/2012 - Psalm 1

Verse 3
They are like trees planted along the riverbank,
bearing fruit each season.
Their leaves never wither,
and they prosper in all they do.

My Thoughts: This metaphor is a deep cry within me. It resonates in me. I am drawn to it and desire to emulate it into my life. Driving through the Texas countryside, you come across ribbons of lush vegetation and if you stop to examine them closely, you will see a stream running through the middle of them. Water is necessary for life to flourish. The psalmist in this psalm is saying God’s word is necessary for me to flourish spiritually. Some have taken this verse to mean monetary prosperity. However, I have known very wealthy individuals who do not consider God much less study His word day and night. I have also known very poor individuals who walk humbly before God and who are full of joy and peace not only to themselves but to all those around them. In fact, I have know wealthy people whose wealth is a very heavy burden to maintain and others whose lack of wealth free them to enjoy the little they have. Does this mean a wealthy person cannot flourish spiritually. In Mark’s account, Jesus encounters a wealthy young man who was unwilling to let go of his wealth to follow Jesus and who was sadden by this fact (Mark 10:21-22). The reason for his sadness was his many possessions. Jesus then turns to His disciples and tells them that it is very difficult for a wealthy person to enter into the Kingdom of God (Mark 10:23). Note: Jesus did not say impossible. In fact, He goes on to tell His disciples that with God, all things are possible (Mark 10:27). Therefore, it is not the wealth or lack thereof which keeps us from a rich life spiritually. The key to a rich and fruitful spiritual life is found in verse 2: “But whose delight....” God’s word is a living word, a life sustaining word. When your delight is in reading and thinking about it day and night, you will prosper in your soul and your life will be lush and full of God’s joy, peace, and grace.

Application: My entire life. This verse impacts my heart and soul.