Tuesday, October 9, 2012

40 Days in the Word - Day 20: Mark 15:33-39

Verse 39
When the Roman officer* who stood facing him* saw how he had died, he exclaimed, "This man truly was the Son of God!"

My Thoughts: John Wayne portrayed this Roman officer in “The Greatest Story Ever Told.” You can watch this clip by clicking on the picture above. I remember watching this movie as a young boy and the impact this scene had on me. Here was one of the men who nailed Jesus to the cross, erected the cross, and watched Jesus die as the sky darkened and the earth shook. This Roman officer’s revelation that Jesus was the Son of God is at the heart of everyone’s quest to connect with the divine. I look at the events in my life that brought me to the foot of the cross when I realized Jesus was truly the Son of God. It was my sins as well that nailed Him there as surely as if I had been this Roman officer hitting the spikes in Jesus’ hands and feet. This moment in my life was also one of the darkest and yet greatest moments of my life.

Application: Every area of my life. This verse impacts my heart, soul, mind, and body.

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