Monday, October 15, 2012

40 Days in the Word - Day 26: Philippians 3:15-4:7

Self Portrait of Rembrandt as the Apostle Paul
Verse 4
Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice!

My Thoughts: Here is the Apostle Paul under house arrest with no guarantee he will ever get out and he pens these words...Always be full of joy.... How do you do that? I can leave my house full of joy for the day when a person cuts me off in traffic and that joy is gone in a flash. Here is Paul previously saying follow my example and part of this example is to always be full of joy and rejoice. I believe the key to Paul’s constant joy is in the phrase, “in the Lord.” There is a peace and joy in knowing the presence of Christ which is beyond explanation, but is real . God’s peace in Christ is a real constant that is always available in every circumstance and every situation (Philippians 4:7).

Application: Every area of life. This verse impacts my heart, soul, mind, and body.

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