Thursday, October 11, 2012

40 Days in the Word - Day 23: Philippians 1:12-30

Verse 21
For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better.

My Thoughts: When I read this passage, I think of Mother Teresa, not me. I struggle with letting go of everything in order to live completely for Christ. To live in the moment, not thinking about the past or worrying about the future. Honestly, I struggle to focus while listening to a friend tell me about their life. My mind is wandering off thinking about my schedule and things I need to do. I am in a hurry at the 10 only checkout line, impatient with the person ahead of me with 20 items. I drive somewhere totally unaware of the trip to get there. The reality is that Jesus is in the moment. He is there with me and my friend totally aware and sensitive to each of us. When He walked on earth, He lived a life in each moment, full of compassion for others. When the parents interrupted Him to bless their children, His disciples were not in the moment, but Jesus was completely as He embraced each child (Mark 10:13-16). In this passage, Paul was very much in the moment. For Paul, to continue to live was to live for Christ and if he died, he’d be with Christ completely. I want to live each moment here in this life so that the veil between me and Him would be almost non-existent and the transition through the veil a promise to be fulfilled someday.

Application: Every area of my life. This verse impacts my heart, soul, mind, and body.

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