Monday, October 8, 2012

40 Days in the Word - Day 19: Mark 14:3-9

[above] Painting of Mary Magdalene by Guido Reni

Verse 3
Meanwhile, Jesus was in Bethany at the home of Simon, a man who had previously had leprosy. While he was eating, a woman came in with a beautiful alabaster jar of expensive perfume made from essence of nard. She broke open the jar and poured the perfume over his head.

My Thoughts: Jesus defended this woman’s actions by telling those who criticized her that she was preparing his body for burial (vs. 8). Who was this woman and did she really know ahead of time that Jesus was going to die? It is recorded in Matthew’s account of this event that right before, Jesus had said that he was going to be crucified (Matthew 26:2). There was a high possibility that she was traveling with Jesus and heard Him say this (Luke 8:2). Also in Matthew’s account, we find out that it was Jesus’ disciples who were the critical ones (Matthew 26:8). Why did this woman understand what was about to happen to Jesus and His own disciples did not? I believe the identity of this woman is Mary of Magdala, also known as Mary Magdalene. She was believed to have been a prostitute whom Jesus cast out seven demons from (Luke 8:2). She was one of the most celebrated disciples of Jesus and the most important female disciple in the movement of Jesus. We also know she intently sat at Jesus’ feet when he taught (Luke 10:39). Along with John, She was the only other disciple to stay close to Jesus through His trial and remain at the foot of the cross of Jesus’ crucifixion (John 19:25). She also was the first disciple to witness Jesus’ resurrection (Mark 16:9). Because Mary was a devout disciple, she knew Jesus was about to be handed over the Pharisees to be killed.  This is the very reason Jesus proclaimed for all time and throughout the world, the deed of Mary here in the home of Simon the leper would be told and discussed (vs. 9). In light of this, Mary inspires me and challenges me to be a disciple of Jesus just like her. I want to daily sit at the feet of Jesus by reading and studying His word and allow Him to speak into my heart so that I honor Him just as Mary did.

Application: Discipleship. These verses impact my heart, soul, and mind.

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